Willkommen bei renken.de - Welcome to renken.de

Startseite | Picture of the Week | Mixed Astronomical Pictures
Kontakt | Impressum | Haftungsausschluss

Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include an annual free trip around the Sun

Liebe Besucher,
mein privater, "non-commercial" Online-Auftritt erhebt keinen professionellen Anspruch,
sondern bezweckt vielmehr die Darstellung ausgewählter Aktivitäten in eigener Sache,
sowie die Bereitstellung von Informationen zu meinen "Lieblingsthemen".

Picture of the Week
Mixed Astronomical Pictures
Cruise Activities

About me / Über mich
"Über mich" mit etwas Text (html)
Lebenslauf (pdf)
Papers and publications (english, pdf)
Papers and publications (english, html - with selected papers ready for download)
Zeugnisse und Auszeichnungen (html)
Invited talks (english)
Astronomie und Raumfahrt

Beiträge zur Lehre
Lehre bei FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management (Vergangenheit / Past)
Lehre an der Hochschule Bremen (Vergangenheit / Past)

Total Solar Eclipse above Lebanon, Tennessee, USA / Great American Eclipse (August 21, 2017)
Partielle Sonnenfinsternis über Norddeutschland (March 20, 2015)
Partielle Sonnenfinsternis über AIDAcara (November 3, 2013)
Annular Solar Eclipse (Ringförmige Sonnenfinsternis), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (May 20, 2012)
Totale "Jahrhundert"-Sonnenfinsternis (July 22, 2009)
Launch Photography by Ben Cooper
Apollo Missions
Apollo landing sites revisited by lunar satellites
All about Time, Date, Time Zones

Photographic collections
Rundgang Key West, Florida (December 26, 2011); ppt
Rundgang Roatan, Honduras (December 22, 2011); ppt

Diverse Präsentationen (pdf-Format)
"Transit of Venus" (June 6, 2012)
"Vom Großen Wagen zum Kreuz des Südens" (Vortrag bei der AVL-Lilienthal, Mai 11, 2010)
"Basics on the Structure of the Universe" (February 26, 2009)
"Von Sternsensoren und kleinen Mars-Stationen" (Vortrag beim DFKI-Bremen, September 24, 2008)
"Vom Großen Wagen zum Kreuz des Südens" (Vortrag "Hanselife 2008", September 14, 2008)
Partielle Mondfinsternis über Bremen (16. / 17. August 2008) - Bildergebnisse
Partielle Sonnenfinsternis über Bremen (1. August 2008) - Bildergebnisse

Heaven above Bremen (53.1 North; 8.8 East) / Himmel über Bremen (53,1° Nord; 8,8° Ost)
Sky chart - Right now
Sun today
Moon today
Planets today
ISS - 10 days prediction
ISS - Orbit realtime tracking (worldmap); requires "java enabled"
Current position and ground track of the ISS by Dirk Matussek
Envisat - 10 days prediction
Iridium flares

Weather / Wetter
Bremen Weather / Wetter in Bremen
Space Weather / Weltraumwetter

Deutschsprachige Informationsportale zu Astronomie
Astronomie.info (beinhaltet so ziemlich alles aus der Hobby-Szene)
Online-Informationen der Zeitschrift "Sterne und Weltraum"

Sternenhimmel Aktuell
Observing highlights @skyandstelescope.com
Sternenhimmel aktuell (monatlich) von Richard Nachtigall
Tonight's sky (monthly) @hubblesite.org
The Sky this week @Naval Oceanography Portal
Solar System Chart
Jovian Moons (1)
Jovian Moons (2)

Sky charts & Sky maps
www.heavens-above.com - Great site to create your own charts as well as informations on satellite visibilities (ISS,...)
www.skymaps.com (evening sky charts for +40° and -40° latitude)
Sky charts at Sky and Telescope
Uncle Al's sky wheel
Aktuelle Sternenkarte @astronomie.de (german)

Learn more about astronomy, space and space science
Learning astronomy online #1: The best online tutorial on astronomy
Learning astronomy online #2: If you need a higher level, take this cosmology-related tutorial
Portal to the Universe
Universe Today
"Starship Asterisk*"
Astronomy news & constellation maps as well
Astronomy @Naval Ocenaography Portal
Cambridge cosmology
Zoom the Universe in and out
Cosmic distance scales
The Scale of the Universe
Travel time from Earth
NASA Education
NASA Wavelength Digital Library - Resources for Earth and Space Science Education
NASA Science
The space place
The Jodcast - An astronomy podcast
Classroom material (german)
The space educators' handbook home page | Direct link to the library
Handbook of space astronomy and astrophysics
Origins educational forum
AstroWeb - Fine link collection
Another fine link collection
Astronomy outreach
National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) @NASA
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)
The World At Night (TWAN) projekt
Inside the Kennedy Space Center (with great DivX mission videos)
STS 107 disaster - Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) report (volume 1) | CAIB website
ISS - Science operation
Damir's space page
Jonathan's space home page
The Space Calendar (what does happen when)
SETI-Institute (ET is calling, anyone else in space?)
NASA classroom of the future program
Education @NASA
Schulinformation Raumfahrt @DLR
NASA quest
NASA Headquarters; Washington D.C.
Lectures by James Schombert, University of Oregon
"History of Spaceflight" Lecture by James Schombert
Greg Goebel's vectorsite (including some nice spaceflight history chapters)
Website von Bernd Leitenberger mit Beiträgen zur Raumfahrt (german)
Encyclopedia Astronautica
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (NASM)
"Basics of Space Flight" @ JPL, NASA
"Basics of Space Flight" - Nice (old) learning workbook (pdf)
"Basics of Space Flight" - Nice (new) learning workbook (pdf)
Basics of radio astronomy - Nice too (pdf)
Science @NASA
NASA science missions
History @NASA
Windows to the universe
Universe Forum @Harvard
Welcome to cool cosmos - The infrared Universe
Space weather - News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids
"Astronomie.de" Eine nette deutschsprachige website zur Amateurastronomie (german)
Department of physics and astronomy @Stephen F. Austin State University, TX, USA
Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) - Now called James Webb Space Telescope (HST successor)
Planet Quest - The search for Extrasolar Planets
Rocketcam @Ecliptic Enterprices Corporation
Sky and Telescope (monthly journal) online
"Sterne und Weltraum" (monthly journal) online (german)
Night sky network

Albert Einstein & Relativity
Einstein archives online
Albert Einstein - Nobel lecture
Beyond Einstein - From the Big Bang to Black Holes

Solar & Lunar Eclipses by Xavier Jubier
Solar Eclipse Calculator & Diagram
Eclipse Maps by Michael Zeiler
Solar Eclipse Conference; Alamogordo, NM, USA; October 23rd to 26th, 2014
August 21, 2017 (USA); Interactive Google Map
"Eclipse Guy" from Canada

International Space Station ISS
ISS Tracking in realtime #1
ISS Tracking in realtime #2
ISS near realtime location - Autorefresh every 30 seconds
"Spot the Station"

Spacecraft tracking
Satellite tracking (ISS, ...) and making picture

Mission to planet Earth / Earth observation / Remote sensing
Landsat Science
Tutorial: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
Tutorial: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (pdf for download)
GMES - Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
International charter space and major disasters

Space - Realtime multimedia
Variety of realtime data @spaceflight.nasa.gov
  Watch NASA TV
Watch NASA TV on Ustream
Watch NASA TV (realvideo)
Watch and listen live stream from ISS
Earth view live - Sunlight and shadow
Moon view from Earth live - Sunlight and shadow
Solar system (entire) live
Solar system (inner planets) live

Holiday in space

Space - Miscellaneous multimedia
Astronomy picture of the day - Everyday a new astronomical picture with background information
NASA image of the day gallery
The night sky live
David Levy's talks on astronomy
WAMU - Washington goes to the Moon
Infos on and pictures from the Hubble-Space-Telescope (HST)
HST infos at ESA
Hubble Heritage project
Informal Science Education @Space Telescope Science Institute
Outreach @Space Telescope Science Institute
Planetary photojournal by JPL, NASA
NASA image exchange
NASA multimedia collections
Marshall Image Exchange (MIX), nice historic images
Earth from space
NASA's visible Earth
NASA's Earth observatory
JPL Solar system simulator
ESO multimedia gallery
All the sky - Digital images of the sky
Astronomy visualizations by Frank Summers
National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) | Image gallery @NOAO | Outreach @NOAO
Space-related videos @ESA
Hurricane Katrina as seen from GOES-12

Space - Miscellaneous videos
Viking Legacy and Mars Exploration
Voyager: The Grand Tour | Voyager mission poster (pdf)
Genesis launch (realvideo)
Introduction of the original Mercury seven astronauts (realvideo)
A journey into a black hole
Deep space Network (DSN) - Video #1
Deep Space Network (DSN) - Video #2
Mars Odyssey - The Challenge of Getting to Mars: Part 1 - Aerobraking
Mars Odyssey - The Challenge of Getting to Mars: Part 2 - Interplanetary Cruise
Mars Odyssey - The Challenge of Getting to Mars: Part 3 - Telecommunications
Mars Odyssey - The Challenge of Getting to Mars: Part 4 - Orbit Insertion
See what comets are all about
NASA: 40 Years of U.S. Human Space Flight Looking Backward, Looking Forward - May 8, 2001
MER 2003 mission animation (realvideo)

Space - Flash animations
Keeping an eye on space rocks (NEO: Near Earth Objects)
Voyager - The golden record
Journey to Mars
Mars Pathfinder

Space - Archived Theodore von Kármán lectures at JPL, NASA (realvideo)
The complete Theodore von Kármán lecture series at JPL
From the Vikings to the 21st century
Autonomous Navigation for Urban Robots (presented by Robert Hogg)
The Odyssey to Mars (presented by Dr. Roger Gibbs, Mars Odyssey Project Manager)
Mars Odyssey - The Mapping Mission Begins
Voyager Exploration of the Outer Solar System (presented by Dr. Ed Stone, retired JPL Director)
Comets, Asteroids and the Interplanetary Shooting Gallery (presented by Dr. Donald K. Yeomans, Manager, NASA’s Near Earth Object Program Office)
Journey to the Planets and Beyond (presented by Blaine Baggett, Executive Manager, JPL Office of Communications and Education)
A unified view of the Universe (presented by Dr. Lute Maleki, Senior Research Scientist, JPL Quantum Sciences and Technology Group)
A Billion Suns: The Lives and Deaths of the Stars (presented by Dr. Michelle Thaller, JPL Astronomer, Space Infrared Telescope Facility)
Rise of the Machines: Intelligent Robots and Space Exploration (presented by Dr. Richard Terrile, JPL Mars Scout Program Scientist)
The Robotic Exploration of Mars (presented by Dr. Firouz Naderi, Mars Exploration Program Manager)

Current missions by spacecrafts
Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn and Titan
Where is Cassini at the moment?
Mars Odyssey
Spacecrafts escaping the Solar System (Pioneer 10+11, Voyager 1+2) - Current positions

Websites of some NASA centers with fine content
JPL: Jet propulsion laboratory, Pasadena (CA)
JSC: Johnson Space Center, Houston (TX)
KSC: Kennedy Space Center, Cocoa Beach (FL)
MSFC: Marshall Spaceflight Center, Huntville (AL)

Solar system - Planetary exploration
JPL solar system dynamics
Solar system simulator
Online books regarding Planetary and Lunar science and exploration
Solar system lithograph set - Very nice (pdf)
The nine planets - A multimedia tour of the Solar system
Views of the Solar system
Solar System Exploration (NASA)
Planetary science at the National Space Science Data Center (NASA)
Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)
Chronology of lunar and planetary exploration
Virtual Solar system

The Sun
"Solar and Heliospheric Observatory" (SOHO) homepage
The very lastest SOHO images
Surface of the Sun

Mars Mission 2020 ("Curiosity 2.0")
MAVEN Mars Mission
Mars @google.com
The whole Mars catalog @marstoday.com
Latest news on the Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) A & B (Spirit & Opportunity)
Earth to Mars comparison
Mars current location in relation to the Earth
Mars focus group
CMEX - NASA Center for Mars Exploration
Mars exploration program presentations @NASA headquarter
MEPAG - Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group
Mars exploration program - Landing sites
Planet Mars, Mars Exploration and Mars Missions
Mars exploration timeline - Chronology of all missions to planet Mars
The planet Mars: A History of Observation and Discovery (by William Sheehan)
More on Mars at the National Space Science Data Center (NASA)
Mars @planetary.org
Mars today
How does Mars look today? (small version)
How does Mars look today? (big version)
Time on Mars
The case for Mars
Mars in popular culture
Life on Mars? The David Bowie song
The full reference mission of the NASA Mars exploration study team report (pdf)
The (cancelled) Netlander mission
Animations of Mars
Mars as seen with a camcorder (August 25, 2003, 23:45 MESZ) by a 7cm refractor (69 Euro 'Lidl-telescope')
Listen to 'crazy news' on the Beagle 2 lander (mp3 audio - german)
Mars Express (MEX) - The scientific payload (ESA SP-1240)
  Malin Space Science Systems - Mars Image Directory

Mars - part 2 - The Micro-Mars-Mission (Phase A study in 2003)
Project flyer on the MICRO-MARS-MISSION (pdf format)
Great movie (simulation) to get an impression on the mission (!! avi-format - 18MBytes !!) | Notes on the movie (pdf)
A picture of the landing device mockup

Current Moon phase
Exploring the Moon
Apollo program
Apollo archive
Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
www.myspacemuseum.com - Site with emphasis on Apollo missions (nice images)

Online books, reports and studies on astronomy and space
Online books on Planetary and Lunar science and exploration
NASA historical data books
NASA headquarters library
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Technical Reports Server
NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS)
NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts
LPI meeting related publications
The Interplanetary Network Progress Report
The online books page (variety of topics)

The Astrophysical Journal
The Astronomical Journal

Space scene news
NASA watch
Space news @Houston Chronicle
Space news @Florida Today
Space and Science@cnn.com
Spaceflight now
Astronomy now

Weightnessless - Free fall
A website on parabolic flight
Parabolic flight in September 2002 (33rd ESA campaign) with Airbus A300 Zero-G (201 pages ppt)
Brief information on the tether / telemanipulator experiment
Short video on the tether / telemanipulator experment (quicktime)

Astrobiology - Exobiology
Marsbugs - Newsletter on astrobiology
Exobiology in the Solar System & Search for Life on Mars

Photonics & Vision Technology
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Sehtest (german)

The Open Source CD
Open Office
Ultimate Boot CD
Major Geeks - Download Freeware and Shareware Computer Utilities
Free Codecs
Edskes File Download Mirror
Mozilla - Mozilla suite is all for your internet needs (browser, email, ...)
Planetarium (astro) software
Stellarium - Free planetarium program
Ghostscript and ghostview
Tools for ghostscript, ghostview, postscript and pdf (german)
Varity of space related software @www.fourmilab.ch
Orbiter - Free space flight simulator #1
Open Universe - Free space flight simulator #2
Celestia - Free space flight simulator #3
A free ISS simulator

Software (Windows news)
WinFuture.de (german forum)
WinHelpLine (german forum)

TV on the web
TV for all (link collection)
Web TV list (link collection)

Music & Radio on the web
Smoothjazz (realaudio, 128 kps) | Smoothjazz (realaudio, 32 kps)
Jamie's DNA-Lounge - Best lounge on planet Earth - Great broadband streaming during opening hours
DNA-lounge - Direct link to life webcast (realvideo)
Radio (german) by ARD stations
BBC radio
CNN radio (realaudio)
SHOUTCAST - music, music, music - streaming, streaming, streaming
The Winamp-ripper for the link above
SomaFM: Streaming mp3 internet radio
WAMU - American University Radio | live mp3 | live realaudio | live windows media

Non space educational material
Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien

Watch NOVA programs - Scientific video series
California Institute of Technology (caltech)
"The Research Channel" @youtube.com - Streams of archived lectures
Greg Goebel's vectorsite (including some nice spaceflight history chapters)

Last updated: September 2, 2017