Uncle Al's sky wheel
Here is an astronomical tool that will help you find
of stars and other things in the sky.
All you need to do is print out
the Sky Wheel Holder
(24K pdf) and the two star wheels currently available:
1. Basic Constellations
(60K pdf)
2. Coordinates Star Wheel
(132K pdf)
After you print them, cut them out and assemble them following the
that areon the printout.
Once you have that in hand, directions below on how to use it will
make sense.

How to use the Sky Wheel:
To find a constellation in the sky using the Star Wheel, follow
What date and time of night?
Rotate the Star Wheel in the Star
until your desired time of night lines up with the desired date.
Which horizon is the constellation closest to?
Find the
on the Star Wheel and note which horizon it is closest to.
How do I make it right-side up?
Orient the Star Holder so that the
the constellation is near is at the bottom. This will allow that part
the sky to look right-side up to you. For example, if your
is closest to the northern horizon, flip the Star Holder upside down so
that you are reading northern horizon at the bottom of the oval.
How high is the constellation in the sky?
Is the constellation
the zenith (center of the map) or closer to the horizon?
What shape is the constellation?
Memorize the pattern of stars in
constellation. Can I see the constellation in the sky? Find it!
Uncle Al's Sky Wheels were created by the LHS
Hands-On Universe project