Mixed Astronomical Pictures 2017
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Borealis special; Spring 2017; Norway

Find the "seven sisters"; stars above cruise ship AIDAcara
(December 28, 2017; 11:37 a.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7200; optics: Sigma f=10mm (fisheye); F/2.8; ISO
4,000; T=1s; location: northeastern coast Australia; ~ 10° south;
~ 140° east

Find the "southern cross"; stars above cruise ship AIDAcara
(December 26, 2017; 07:03 p.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7200; optics: Sigma f=10mm (fisheye); F/2.8; ISO
4,000; T=2.5s; location: east coast Australia

Star and Moon above cruise ship AIDAcara (December 26, 2017; 11:51
a.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7200; optics: Sigma f=10mm (fisheye); F/2.8; ISO
4,000; T=2s; location: east coast Australia

"Wrong" and "right" Crux..., as seen from cruise ship AIDAcara
(December 6, 2017; 11:39 p.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7200; optics: Sigma zoom (f=10-20mm) f=10mm; F/4;
ISO 4,000; T=2s; location: Indian Ocean; ~ 6° North

Many well known winter constellations as seen from cruise ship
AIDAbella while waiting
to enter the Sues canal southbound, Port Said, Egypt (November 19,
2017; 08:00 p.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7200; ISO 5,000; T=2.5s; optics: f=10mm; F/2.8
(Sigma fisheye)

Moon (one day before new moon), Venus, Jupiter and position lights
of a vessel at the horizon
as seen from cruise ship AIDAbella; Adriatic sea (November 17,
2017; 05:09 a.m. UTC; ~ 40 min before sunrise)
camera: Nikon D7200; ISO 3,200; T=1/40s; optics: f=85mm; F/5.6
(Nikkor zoom f=18-140mm); annotated

International Space Station ISS with of Expedition 53 crew above
... and stars of the summer triangle (Vega, Deneb, Atair); annotated
location: Sudweyhe nearby Bremen, North-Germany (October 8, 2017;
05:41 p.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7100; ISO 640; T=13s; optics: Nikon zoom
(f=18-200mm) f=18mm; F/8

ISS above Bremen (October 8, 2017); source: www.heavens-above.com

Full Moon (October 5, 2017; 08:10 p.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=1,000mm; F/10; ISO 800; T=1/400s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

Moon (October 1, 2017; 06:07 p.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=1,000mm; F/10; ISO 800; T=1/320s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

Moon (September 1, 2017; 08:54 p.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=1,000mm; F/10; ISO 1,250; T=1/200s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

Total Solar Eclipse (August 21, 2017; 06:30 p.m.; UT); image #
d7100; dsc0127
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=300mm; F/6.3; ISO 1,600;
T=1/1,250s; location: Lebanon, Tennessee, USA
Picture of the week 2017; Week 34; Total Solar Eclipse special

Moon (August 13, 2017; 00:04 a.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=300mm; F/9; ISO 500; T=1/400s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

Many autumn constellations, Moon and a small perseid meteor above
Ursa Mayor
Bremen-Blockland (August 12, 2017, 11:19 p.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7100; ISO 800; optics: Sigma f=10mmm; F/4; T=15s

... under thy sky with Moon, many constellations and a small
perseid meteor, Bremen-Blockland (August 12, 2017, 10:43 p.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7100; ISO 800; optics: Sigma f=10mmm; F/5; T=25s

Moon (August 9, 2017; 10:34 p.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=300mm; F/11; ISO 800; T=1/320s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

Partial Lunar Eclipse / Full Moon, as seen from Stephani-Bridge,
Bremen (August 7, 2017, 07:18 p.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7100; ISO 2,500; optics: Sigma zoom (f=18-250mm);
f=250mm; F/8; T=1/80s

Partial Lunar Eclipse / Full Moon, as seen from Stephani-Bridge,
Bremen (August 7, 2017, 07:18 p.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7100; ISO 2,500; optics: Sigma zoom (f=18-250mm);
f=155mm; F/8; T=1/60s

International Space Station ISS (with 6 astronauts of Expedition
52 crew) and the Moon.
Bremen-Gröpelingen, North-Germany (August 6, 2017; 08:28 p.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7100; ISO 1,250; T=20s; optics: Sigma zoom
(f=10-20mm) f=13mm; F/9

Moon (August 4, 2017; 09:33 p.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=1,000mm; F/10; ISO 800; T=1/320s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

International Space Station ISS with Expedition 52 crew above my
... and stars of the summer triangle (Vega, Deneb, Atair)
Bremen-Oslebshausen, North-Germany (July 26, 2017; 10:00 p.m. UTC)
camera: Nikon D7100; ISO 1,000; T=25s; optics: Sigma zoom
(f=10-20mm) f=10mm; F/7.1

Moon; southern region (July 2, 2017; 09:13 p.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=1,000mm; F/10; ISO 800; T=1/200s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

#2: Alpha & Beta Centauri and constellation Crux above cruise
ship AIDAbella (IMO 9362542); image dsc0063; full moon night; annotated
Gulf of Oman; latitude ~ 18° North (May 10, 2017; 06:27 p.m.; UTC)
camera: Nikon D7100; ISO 3,200; T=1/2s; optics: Nikon zoom
(f=18-200mm) f=32mm; F/4.5

#1: Alpha & Beta Centauri and constellation Crux above cruise
ship AIDAbella (IMO 9362542); image dsc0047; full moon night; annotated
Gulf of Oman; latitude ~ 18° North (May 10, 2017; 05:51 p.m.; UTC)
camera: Nikon D7100; ISO 3,200; T=1/2s; optics: Nikon zoom
(f=18-200mm) f=18mm; F/4.5

Moon (April 29, 2017; 07:47 p.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=1,000mm; F/10; ISO 2000; T=1/200s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

Stars of the winter constellations above cruise ship AIDAcara
(February 23, 2017; 09:41 p.m.; UT); annotated
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: Sigma f=10mm (fisheye); F/2.8; ISO
6,400; T=2.5s; location: ~ Bergen, Norway

Moon, Mars, Venus & space station ISS above Europahafen
(February 4, 2017; 05:06 p.m.; UT); annotated
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: Sigma f=10mm (fisheye); F/7.1; ISO
2,000; T=0.5s; location: Bremen, North-Germany

Moon (January 16, 2017; 01:05 a.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=1,000mm; F/10; ISO 800; T=1/200s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

Half moon (January 6, 2017; 05:22 p.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=1,000mm; F/10; ISO 800; T=1/200s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

Half moon (January 5, 2017; 05:11 p.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=1,000mm; F/10; ISO 1,000; T=1/200s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

Moon (January 4, 2017; 05:22 p.m.; UT)
camera: Nikon D7100; optics: f=1,000mm; F/10; ISO 1,000; T=1/160s;
location: Bremen, North-Germany

Moon, Mars & Venus (... and some thin clouds)
Bremen-Oslebshausen, North-Germany (January 2, 2017; 04:19 p.m.
UTC); annotated
camera: Nikon D7100; ISO 4,000; T=1/10s; optics: Nikon zoom
(f=18-200mm) f=60mm; F/6.3; hand-held camera
Last updated: April 26, 2019